Friday 20 March 2015

Thriller Soundtrack

The Hills Have Eyes is a thriller about a suburban American family that are being stalked by a group of psychotic people who live in the desert, far away from civilization. The clip above is the soundtrack for this film. The soundtrack is striking as soon as it plays, as it is very deep and suspenseful, however as it continues it gets deeper and louder. It then begins to play a softer track in the background, which compliments the deep one. This soundtrack has a very evil, dark feel to it and works very well.

The soundtrack for Final Destination creates a highly creepy atmosphere. It builds enigma and suspense as it is very deep however some elements are high - sounding like a violin. It picks up volume and gathers pace as it progresses, adding to the creep factor. 

Filming Schedule And Location

The filming will take palce on Friday 20th, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd.

The Location is Cuckfield, Haywards Heath.

Thriller Soundtrack

The Hills Have Eyes is a thriller about a suburban American family that are being stalked by a group of psychotic people who live in the desert, far away from civilization. The clip above is the soundtrack for this film. The soundtrack is striking as soon as it plays, as it is very deep and suspenseful, however as it continues it gets deeper and louder. It then begins to play a softer track in the background, which compliments the deep one. This soundtrack has a very evil, dark feel to it and works very well.

The soundtrack for Final Destination creates a highly creepy atmosphere. It builds enigma and suspense as it is very deep however some elements are high - sounding like a violin. It picks up volume and gathers pace as it progresses, adding to the creep factor. 

Thursday 12 March 2015

Title Sequence

In order to design the right title sequence we have to analyse other exsisting and successful title sequnces. It goes without saying there are many Thriller films for the puplic, however there are select number that impact the audience in the way intended and set a specfic mood and atmosphere that the director is trying to achieve.

Bellow I have hand picked thriller title sequences that are the most appropriate for our thriller film. I also compare the differences between a TV series thirller and a film thriller.

The screen shots above are from the critically acclaimed and widly recognised TV thrillers, Luther and True Detective. One key difference between the two series is the culture. Luther is a British TV thriller and True Detective is an American series. Through knowledge of other British TV. we can see a pattern in the way the intro is presented. For example the soundtrack in Luther is noticably similar to 'Sherlock' another BBC thriller, this due to the origin (british) the transitions leading up to the title sequence also show similarities, Luther displays a lot of linear lines separating image and text, also displayed in Sherlock.

Friday 6 March 2015

Thriller titles

For our thriller, we need a suitable title which will be presented in our opening. The title needs to be appropriate for our thriller opening, suiting the purpose and audience. Therefore, I have researched titles from other thrillers to get ideas for ours.

The titles above are particularly effective because the first one is a reflective image, and the second is overlapping. They're both of dark coloring which suits the thriller genre. Titles like these work really well in thriller openings because they look mysterious - like they're meant for a thriller, which builds to the enigma.


Pulp Fiction

The credits appear with a background of two characters, one female and one male. The female characters facial expression looks very angry, and both of the characters are pointing a gun to something/someone which can't be seen in the frame. This constructs the thriller genre because the gun is suitable iconography for a thriller, and it creates anticipation for the spectator, creating enigma and also suggests something of what the film is about. Institutional information is presented in yellow text, which catches the spectators attention easily. The font is very rounded rather than sharp edged, which doesn't clearly demonstrate a thriller atmosphere however it suits the non-diegetic music which gives a feel of adrenaline.

The series of credits leading up to the titles are displayed on a black screen, which demonstrates the thriller genre and gives a spooky feel.

The title slowly rises into the frame, and then stops in the frame, covering all of it. The bold, big text is displayed on top of a black screen and the font looks 3D.

Panic Room

The credits appear on top of an establishing shot, this gives us an insight on where the film is set. The font of the institutional information is white and small in the centre of the frame.

The scene cuts to another establishing shots, with more credits being displayed however from a different angle. The font looks as if it is coming out of the frame in comparison to the background image, giving a mysterious look. Non-diegetic music is playing through-out the credits which sounds like it is building up to something, creating enigma. Also, there is diegetic sound of car horns, and various other sounds coming from the background.

The shots cut to different credits, all with an establishing shot background. where the font varies in size and angles. There is a panning shot where the credits pan into the frame.

The title pans into the frame over an establishing shot of buildings. The font of the title reflects in the building in the background image, this demonstrates the thriller genre because it is mysterious. The non-diegetic music deepens at the title enters the frame, and the font is bold and larger than the previous titles.

The Lovely Bones

The sequence starts with the introduction of a female character and a male character. It is a father and daughter, and they don't demonstrate the thriller genre. There is a non-diegetic voice over commentary from the female character, however also diegetic sound of the father talking to his young child. The title appears faded in the snow globe, however it becomes more easy to see and bolder. The font is in capitals and is white, therefore it blends in with the snow well. Non-diegetic music plays as the titles appear, which sounds mysterious and gives an eerie feel. There is also diegetic sound of the snow hitting the edge of the glass globe. There is no institutional information.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Animatic 2

This animatic is a voice-over commentary of our thriller opening. In this animatic, there's a detailed explanation of each shot and how it will link to the next in order to make this a successful opening. Aspects of mise en scene are explained for each shot such as composition, makeup, ect. Also, we have introduced continuity editing into our opening.