Sunday 3 May 2015

Jess' Evaluation - Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In our thriller sequence 'Omniscient', we only represent one social group as there are only 2 characters presented in our sequence, both of the same social group. The two characters displayed are white males around the age of 17. Due to their clothing and props (car and iPhones) they are conveyed to look like middle class. We used a stereotypical male protagonist in our thriller, as males are often associated as being the killers.

  • Jake, is the antagonist. He is wearing a long, beige coat with a bucket hat on. This is a modern representation of a young, teenage boy and his age could create empathy from the audience, especially from males due to the story line of his brother being abducted. For some people, this could be a negative thing that we have stuck to the stereotypical male stereotype because having a women protagonist could have been an interesting change. However, we have oppose the stereotype in the sense that the protagonist (Josh) is still very young, something that isn't seen very frequently in thrillers - although you can't see the protagonist's face due to restricted narration therefore he could be interpreted as an older age range 

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