Sunday 3 May 2015

Jess' Evaluation - Question 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

  • Our target audience for 'Omniscient' is 15-25 year olds, male or female. Due to the characters being male, it is possible that our thriller sequence could attract males more than females. Also, due to the storyline of the antagonist's brother being abducted, males (especially brothers) could empathise with the characters, making the experience of watching more enjoyable and intense for the spectator. As our target audience is of a younger age range, we used young actors to star in our film to make it more attractive to the audience as they could relate to them.

  • The audience of our film would be familiar to the iconography used, such as guns and the stereotypical male protagonist. The protagonist being male and the fitting the stereotype would attract the audience targeted, especially males as would the violence hinted in the film, as stereotypically, men like to watch violent films. However, due to the violence, the certification of Omniscient is a 15. 


  • We also used mise en scene to attract our youth audience. We did this with various props, one being an iPhone. Nowadays, teenagers and young adults lives are being taken over by technology such as iPhones and almost every young person has one, therefore by using this in our sequence our audience can relate. Also, the car. This would be especially appealing to a male demographic as cars are a common interest of teenage boys. We also used mise en scene to appeal to a youth demographic by the choice in clothing. The characters were wearing hats, which the style in particular are commonly worn by younger people. 

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